Johnson & Wilson

Law, S.C.

Northeast Wisconsin’s premier Law Firm serving the community since 1883.

Johnson & Wilson Law, S.C. offers a variety of legal services for your business. Whether you are starting from scratch, reorganizing, or working though issues facing your ongoing business, Johnson & Wilson Law, S.C. is your source for business solutions.



Business Formation Services

Navigating through the start of a new business can be intimidating and overwhelming. Johnson & Wilson Law, S.C. is here to help you along the way. We specialize  in the planning and establishment of small to medium sized companies. We will advise you on the best options for your enterprise, tailored to your needs. 

    Limited Liability Companies

  • LLC operating agreements

  • LLC articles of operation

  • Registration with the Department of Financial Institutions and Department of Revenue

  • Federal tax planning

  • Investor Relations


  • Partnership agreements

  • Partnership taxation explanation


  • Corporation articles of incorporation

  • Corporate by laws and agreements

  • Shareholder agreements

  • Tax planning

The Purchase or Sale of Ownership

Purchase sale agreements

The purchase and sale of ownership in a company, whether a small family owned business or a larger corporation or llc, is a major event in the life of both the owner and the company. There are many facets to the sale and purchase of ownership that must be addressed including estate and tax planning, valuing the company, and planning for the future of the company. Johnson Law SC is here to guide you through the process, and help protect your investment.

Securities law registration and planning

Raising capital for a new business venture or an existing one may raise registration requirements under federal and state security laws. Special attention must be given to any transaction involving the offering of ownership interest in a company.

General Services

Business Litigation and Negotiations

Throughout the life of a business, there are many events that may occur which require serious negotiations or even litigation. Johnson Law SC is prepared to negotiate on your behalf and even take a matter to court if necessary.

Non-Profit Planning and Services

Nonprofit organizations come in all sizes and purposes. They can be as small as a neighborhood watch group or as big as a multinational aid foundation. No matter what their purpose or size, they have the common thread of hardworking people who desire to give to the community, and not for personal gain. They also face the same obstacles such as Fund raising regulations and tax exemption guidelines. Johnson Law SC can guide your nonprofit through the maze of federal and state regulation of non profit organizations.