Criminal Defense
If you are facing a criminal charge, don’t wait to call an attorney. The shock and anxiety that accompanies criminal charges and arrests can be stifling. invoke your fifth amendment right to counsel immediately, and call Johnson Law SC for a consultation.
Your representation begins with an initial interview where we discuss the charges being brought against you and the court process you are facing. Johnson Law SC is here to guide you and protect your rights in a court of law and insure a fair and just chance to present your case.
If you are facing a criminal charge, don’t wait to call an attorney. The shock and anxiety that accompanies criminal charges and arrests can be stifling. Invoke your fifth amendment right to counsel immediately, and call Johnson Law SC for a consultation.
Your representation begins with an initial interview where we discuss the charges being brought against you and the court process you are facing. Johnson Law SC is here to guide you and protect your rights in a court of law and insure a fair and just chance to present your case. Johnson Law SC can handle both ordinance charges and criminal charges, including traffic citations of all types.
Criminal law is generally governed by both Federal and State Statutes, and crimes are clasified as either misdeamenors or felonies. A crime is defined in Wisconsin Statute Section 939.12 as "conduct prohibited by state law and punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. Conduct punishable only by a forfeiture is not a crime." A Misdemeanor is defined in section 939.51 as a crime which is punishable by a jail term for less than a year, while a Felony is defined in Sections 939.60 & 973.02 as a crime punishable by imprisionment in the Wisconsin State Prisons, for a period exceeding one year. The court process is similar for both with some notable differences.
As your defense attorney, we will assess the charge(s) pending against you, defend you, protect your legal rights from being violated, seek to have your charges dismissed or reduced (depending on the facts of your case), and guide you through the process as your advocate and defender.
Crime Classifications: Misdemeanors
Classification Maximum Term of Imprisonment Maximum Fine
A 9 Months $10,000.00
B 90 Days $1,000.00
C 30 Days $500.00
Crime Classifications: Felonies
Felony Classification
Max Term of Imprisonment
Max Initial Confinement
Max Extended Supervision
Max Fine
60 Years
40 Years
20 Years
40 Years
25 Years
15 Years
25 Years
15 Years
10 Years
15 Years
10 Years
5 Years
12.5 Years
7.5 Years
5 Years
10 Years
5 Years
5 Years
6 Years
3 Years
3 Years
3.5 Years
1.5 Years
2 Years