Johnson & Wilson

Law, S.C.

Northeast Wisconsin’s premier Law Firm serving the community since 1883.

Real Estate Law

Buying your first home or that longed-for hunting land can be an overwhelming task, if you are not sure what needs to be done. Our firm has over thirty years of experience in handling the purchase and sale of real estate, and we can help you get through the mine field of issues relating to the purchase and sale of real estate.

Residential and Commercial Real Estate Closings

Johnson Law can guide you through the increasingly complex process of purchasing or selling real estate. Whether you are selling your home or buying a commercial investment property, Johnson Law SC can guide you through the entire process from drafting or reviewing an offer to purchase through facilitating the closing. With the rollout of updated closing regulations under RESPA, (Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act), there are many changes making closings more complicated.

An attorney completes many tasks throughout a real estate transaction. Depending on who the attorney represents, they may complete many of the following tasks:

  • .Draft Options

  • •Write listing contracts and offers

  • •Draft or advise on buyer agency agreements and offers, including conditions added for buyer’s or seller’s protection

  • •Advise on issues related to sale including financing options available and an analysis of the project

  • •Help satisfy conditions to the offer and resolve problems that arise

  • •Research and review the title to the property

  • •Draft deeds, transfer returns, and other transaction documents

  • •Review financial arrangements and determine if obligations are met at closing

  • •Check the note and mortgage, deed, and other documents, and explain buyer's legal rights and obligations under them at closing

  • •Answer legal questions about the property and its purchase including options for holding title

  • •Review titleto make sure all legal requirements have been met

Due Diligence Services

A vital element of the real estate transaction process, due diligence is the process of investigating the legal and physical condition of a property. Johnson Law SC Provides full service due diligence including title work, environmental survey review, title abstracts, contract and leasing services, project review, and financial document interpretation and negotiations.

TIF / Municipality Relations / Negotiations/Permitting

Many commercial real estate developments would not be feasible without governmental assistance known as TIF (Tax Incremental Financing). From explaining the fundamentals of TIF with clients through negotiating the TIF specifics and drafting TIF agreements with municipalities, Johnson Law SC can aid you with getting your project approved and financed.


The current state of the Economy has left many homeowners in unfortunate situations. Some have lost jobs, some have lost loved ones, and some have lost their retirement funds. A significant breach of a term of the mortgage can often allow the lender to foreclose on your property. With foreclosures on the rise, Johnson Law SC is here to help guide you through the foreclosure process. Whether you’re a lender seeking to identify your options, or a distressed property owner who needs to know your rights, Johnson Law SC can guide you through the process.

Johnson Law SC also offers mediation for Lenders and Homeowners who wish to enter into a "workout" option - one that keeps the homeowner in the home, and the lender protecting its investment.

Real Property Assessment Appeals

It was recently estimated that it is possible that over 60% of US real estate may be over assessed.* In short, this means that about 2 out of 3people are paying more real estate taxes then they should be. Most people do not know how to appeal the municipality's assessment of their property, and are unaware of the strict time restrictions placed on such appeals. Johnson Law SC understands the appraisal and appeal processes and is ready to fight for your right to a fair tax assessment for a flat fee. Call today to discuss how and when to start the process.


Unfortunately, there are many disputes which cannot be resolved without the use of professional assistance, and often the use of the Court system. If you are faced with a law suit, or have been wronged and want justice, Johnson Law SC can be your litigation partner.


*MSN Report by Krista Dell, April 7, 2010.


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